Topic 6 Reflective activities

Reflective activities are a type of active learning which allow the student to build up a digital workbook of their responses, which can later be reviewed and downloaded as a PDF booklet. This can be used as a form of learning portfolio, which can be a powerful tool for primary learning, revision and assessment.

A reflective activity is typically an open-ended question with a free-form text area in which the student can give their thoughts.

Reflective Activity 1

What would you say are the benefits of providing students with reflective exercises throughout your learning material, allowing them to build up a digital workbook of their thoughts and ideas?

Rich text editor
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Reflective activities can also offer hints to help the student construct their answer, or to act as a model answer to assess themselves. For revision purposes such hints can usefully link to relevant topics in the course to re-read.

Reflective Activity 2

What sort of questions would you consider including in your next online course and why?

Rich text editor
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You may find it helpful to refer back to the topics covering text-based questions and graphical questions.

You can also use question types like MCQ, MRQ and select-from-a-list to add more structure to reflective activities.

Reflective Activity 3

What is your favourite question type?

A Multiple choice, multiple response or true/false
B Drag-and-drop
C Fill-in-the-blank or select-from-a-list
D Other
Reflective Activity 4

What types of interactive elements would you think suitable for use in a medical course?

A Image overlay comparison
B Sequential images
C Flip cards
D Accordions
E Infographics with popups
Reflective Activity 5

The person making these choices should be the:

On the next page the final quiz of the course shows how essay type questions can still be used for self-assessment, with the addition of a model answer and a two-stage submission process.

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Reflective exercises I understand what support for reflective exercises is available


I understand how to integrate reflective exercises with other content
I understand how best to deploy reflective exercises as part of an online learning course
I understand this topic overall