Learning Objective Profiler


Profiling module for Guest user

This progress report is the summary of the assessment questions mapped against the learning outcomes for the module:

1 Build a course  
 0 / 0 / 9.8
2 Textual features  
 0 / 0 / 6.4
3 Graphical features  
 0 / 0 / 14.8

Learning outcomes summary for

If you have attempted any of the online questions the profile of your progress will be recorded in the chart on the Your profile tab.

The bars in the chart consist of three different parts.

The colour        indicates your actual score.

The colour        indicates the questions you have answered incorrectly.

The colour        Indicates the maximum possible score for that learning outcome (i.e. including an questions that you have yet attempted).

The white area of the bar represents the maximum possible score for that learning outcome, (i.e. any questions that you have not yet attempted).

The Profile is shown either as a TWO bar or a THREE bar format.

In the TWO bar display you will see: a small two row table showing (i) Understanding (your %age score to date); (ii) Attempted (how far through the assessments you are). The main table shows your Understanding of each Learning Objective.

In the THREE bar display your Understanding of eacb Learning Objective is displayed with extra information. The display and final column displays three figures: the first shows your actual score; the second shows the possible score you could have achieved for the assessments you have attempted so far; the third score shows the maximum possible score for all assessments for that learning outcome.

NOTE: only your last attempt at each test is reflected in the chart.

Learning Objective Descriptions

Build a course

You understand how to build a course using Courseworker by CAPDM.

Textual features

You understand how to deploy textual features including self-assessed questions.

Graphical features

You understand how to deploy graphical features including self-assessed questions.